>>What Your Finished
Platform Will Look Like<<


⏰ Class Begins August 12​th

The Focus of the Platform Builders™
workshop is to Build Your Core Platform.

By the time you’re done you’ll have the same funnels and automations built as we use at Nighthawk Equity:

The good news is that we’re going to do all of this for you!

And if you feel like you’re not a good writer, or don’t love to write or create videos, or you have no idea
what to write or talk about – don’t worry … we have you covered!

We make it really easy for you: we’ll ask you a series of questions to answer or to modify a template we
give you.

By the time you’re done, you’ll have completed the writing we wanted you to do – and you’ll find it easier than you thought. 

You’re going to love our process!